The expectation of variance derivation

You already know what the random variable is and what the expected value (or expectation) is. If not, please read the Essential background I section.

Expectation rules

The expectation is denoted by the capital letter \( E \).

The expectation of the random variable \( E(X) \) equals the mean of the random variable:

\[ E(X) = \mu_{X} \]
Where \( \mu_{X} \) is the mean of the random variable.

Here are some basic expectation rules:

Rule Notes
1 \( E(X) = \mu_{X} = \Sigma xp(x) \) \( p(x) \) is the probability of \( x \) (discrete case)
2 \( E(a) = a \) \( a \) is constant
3 \( E(aX) = aE(X) \) \( a \) is constant
4 \( E(a \pm X) = a \pm E(X) \) \( a \) is constant
5 \( E(a \pm bX) = a \pm bE(X) \) \( a \) and \( b \) are constant
6 \( E(X \pm Y) = E(X) \pm E(Y) \) \( Y \) is another random variable
7 \( E(XY) = E(X)E(Y) \) If \( X \) and \( Y \) are independent

All the rules are quite straightforward and don't need proof.

Expectation of the variance

The expectation of variance is given by:

\[ V(X) = \sigma_{x}^2 = E(X^2) - \mu_{X}^2 \]

Where \( V(X) \) is the variance of \( X \)

The proof:

\( V(X) = \sigma_{X}^2 = E((X - \mu_{X})^2) \)
\( = E(X^2 -2X\mu_{X} + \mu_{X}^2) \)
\( = E(X^2) - E(2X\mu_{X}) + E(\mu_{X}^2)\) Applied rule number 5: \( E(a \pm bX) = a \pm bE(X) \)
\( = E(X^2) - 2\mu_{X}E(X) + E(\mu_{X}^2) \) Applied rule number 3: \( E(aX) = aE(X) \)
\( = E(X^2) - 2\mu_{X}E(X) + \mu_{X}^2 \) Applied rule number 2: \( E(a) = a \)
\( = E(X^2) - 2\mu_{X}\mu_{X} + \mu_{X}^2 \) Applied rule number 1: \( E(X) = \mu_{X} \)
\( = E(X^2) - \mu_{X}^2 \)

The expectation of the body position variance

The body position displacement variance in terms of time and velocity is given by:

\[ V(x) = \Delta t^{2} V(v) \] or \[ \sigma_{x}^2 = \Delta t^{2} \sigma_{v}^2 \]
\( x \) is the displacement of the body
\( v \) is the velocity of the body
\( \Delta(t) \) is the time interval

The proof:

\( V(x) = \sigma_{x}^2 = E(x^2) - \mu_{x}^2 \)
\( = E((v\Delta t)^2) - (\mu_{v}\Delta t)^2 \) Express the body position variance in terms of time and velocity: \( x = \Delta tv \)
\( = E(v^{2}\Delta t^{2}) - \mu_{v}^{2}\Delta t^{2} \)
\( = \Delta t^{2}E(v^{2}) - \mu_{v}^{2}\Delta t^{2} \) Applied rule number 3: \( E(aX) = aE(X) \)
\( = \Delta t^{2}(E(v^{2}) - \mu_{v}^{2}) \)
\( = \Delta t^{2}V(v) \) Applied expectation of variance rule: \(V(X) = E(X^2) - \mu_{X}^2 \)